Hot Creek Geological Site
Accessibility: .4 mile (.64 km) round-trip walk on a steep, paved,dirt path. Directions: Take US 395 south, turn left towards Mammoth Yosemite Airport, take 2nd right and follow the signs 3 miles (4.8 km) on unpaved, maintained road. Parking lot will be on your left.
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Hot Creek Geological Site
Information on this page including description, photos and operating hours is provided directly by the business and subject to change at any time.

Fall Colors
7 Picnic Spots Perfect for Takeout Meals in Mammoth Lakes
When the weather is warm enough (or if you're willing to bundle up on a chilly night) an outdoor picnic is the perfect way to connect and enjoy a meal and maybe even a stellar sunset with family and friends after a day out adventuring.
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Trip Ideas
Accessible Activities in Mammoth Lakes
Mother Nature’s adventureland is accessible to everyone in Mammoth Lakes. From thrilling adventures with Disabled Sports Eastern Sierra to quiet afternoons spent exploring the many accessible paths and nearby waterways, there are so many options for getting to enjoy your time in the mountains.
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Interpretive Hikes of the Mammoth Lakes Region: Hot Creek Geologic Site
Hot Creek is a spectacular interpretive site and recreation area located only 8 miles southeast of Mammoth Lakes.
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