Eastern Sierra Transit Authority (ESTA)
ESTA offers a variety of bus services, including; deviated fixed routes, local in-town dial-a-ride services, multiple town-to-town services throughout the Hwy 395 and Hwy 6 corridors, and interregional service (CREST) extending from Reno, Nevada, to Lancaster, California, with connections to the Los Angeles area. Locally, ESTA operates summer and winter routes around town to recreational areas as well as hubs for dining and shopping, including all three Mammoth Mountain lodges, The Village at Mammoth, the Mammoth Lakes Basin, the Mammoth Lakes Welcome Center and the Old Mammoth Road dining and shopping areas. Addiitonally, ESTA provides summer transportation to and from Reds Meadow (including stops at Devils Postpile, Rainbow Falls and numerous trailheads) on the Reds Meadow Shuttle. The shuttle, which departs from the Mammoth Adventure Center, is mandatory during operating months (mid-June to early September) as the road to Reds Meadow cannot accommodate traffic from personal vehicles during peak visitation.